A Bespoke Online Service For Women, Globally
The Therapy program focuses on nutritional and biochemical imbalances in the body that lead to ill health. Review of the client’s health history, lifestyle and diet. Evaluate change through a bespoke assessment for each client. Deliver nutrition education tailored to each client’s condition to assist the client. Provide preventative consultative advice related to their condition.
Our therapy program is a two week program and requires you to have already seen your doctor, had a diagnosis and relevant tests (including blood tests, may differ if it is a child).
For example, the best treatment for eczema would be a complete internal cleanse of allergens. We have come across many males and females whom suffer from hair loss. We offer a hair loss therapy consultation service. Which integrates deficiencies, diet and lifestyle changes.
Many Autoimmune conditions are related to inflammation. Inflammation is the body’s immune reaction to harmful substances, such as viruses, germs and even toxic chemicals. However, there are some diseases that trigger an inflammatory response. Where the body’s protective immune system starts to attack healthy tissue, such diseases are known as autoimmune diseases. Inflammation has the following characteristic signs; joint pain, swelling, pain, redness, joint stiffness, headaches and muscle stiffness.
Anti-inflammatory diets are useful in decreasing inflammation. Deficiencies can also wreak havoc in your body and may be the primary cause for pain, hair loss, depression, fatigue, bone pain, nerve pain and headaches.
In addition to inflammation and deficiencies, poor gut health can lead to malabsorption which can lead to a wide variety of clinical manifestations within the body.
One of the key factors we have witnessed with our clients is how stress can manifest into many physical symptoms. Hence, we have integrated counselling and coaching into our bespoke program.
We specialize in the following conditions:
Gut Health
Migraines (triggers and looking for the root cause)
Hair Loss therapy consultation service
Emotional Trauma
Autoimmune Conditions
Eczema (best treatment for eczema would be an internal cleanse and lifestyle changes through our counselling service and therapy program)
Stress Management
Pain Management
Contact us for more information.
Email: helpdesk@mayasorganicworld.com
Please Note: We do not diagnose or prescribe.
I just completed the therapy programme with Dr Naz and highly recommend. When I started the programme I didn’t know what to expect, I just knew it was time to look after me! Lol. Over the programme i was given a comprehensive meal programme, exercise schedule and daily review sessions. It was surprisingly easy to incorporate into a busy schedule and really helped to identify the key triggers that were causing negative impact and to identify the positive actions/foods/exercise that helped improve my productivity and well-being.
I highly recommend the programme and am very grateful to have been on it with such a conscientious and caring professional individual.
I did the two week therapy program to sort out my thyroid n Hormonal imbalances and to lose weight…….. I can’t recommend it enough …….. it has helped me immensely in the way I think of food ( no more as an emotional trigger which used to be the case ) …… food =nutrition/fuel for not only myself but my family too Alhamdulillah. It’s been two months since I did it, feel much lighter, healthier and a happier person. Jazakhallah ghair for always motivating me and making us better versions of our selves. I have also tried the healing oil and hair oil …… Masha Allah they r so soooo good. Healing oil works wonders for any body pain … Alhamdulillah.
I am giving you an honest review of the 14 day Therapy Program and the intense support you provided. I embarked upon this detox as I was tired of the constant itching from eczema, feeling bloated, irritable, forgetful and on the verge of depression. I was also having days where I was despairing. Having a child 5 months ago and also the sleep deprivation hadn’t helped. Your therapy program taught me how to think differently about eating healthy as well as identifying triggers for my eczema and fluctuating moods. It made me think Detoxing isn’t about starving yourself it’s about eating the right foods and also identifying what affects your mental and physical well being. I thoroughly enjoyed following the plan you devised for me and also the round the clock support you offered when I felt like I couldn’t do it. I have more patience with my children when I stick to the plan and also have been able to search deep within and think clearly about my future goals for me and my family. I am also enjoying my shrinking waist line.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support and may god bless your intentions, passion and drive for the betterment of people like me.
When I came to you my main concern was hair-fall. I was aware that my anxiety and stress levels were quite high and it’s been this way for several years now. However I never really thought, that this could be the main cause for my hair fall.
Your sessions got me talking about all that was worrying me (which I realised is not a lot) and you were so calm and patient throughout. My stress levels have dropped several levels, I’m a lot happier and so so much more relaxed with my daughter.
Your program was professional and definitely worth the money.
I want to say thank you. I have so much to be thankful for in my wonderful life, and you taught me that. You made me realise how blessed I am.
May Allah bless you and your family with good.
I recently reached out to Dr Naz regarding some health issues that I was experiencing and she suggested I try out her 2 week programme. I cannot tell you what a difference she has made! I was blown away with the amount of knowledge she displayed regarding root causes of illness and how to treat them in different people – naturally. Her programme is tailor made for you- during which time she aims to identify and remedies the root of the problem from ALL angles- physical, emotional and spiritual. Within a few days she was able to identify my triggers accurately and remedy them Alhmdulillah. Just making little changes and tweaks in my lifestyle and diet has made a world of difference! I feel light, energised and satiated by her food recommendations and have also lost weight, eradicated my persistent headaches and feel great Alhmdulillah!I have truly benefitted from her wealth of knowledge and expertise masha Allah… so would highly recommend her services to anyone suffering from persistent ailments, sluggish metabolism, fatigue, weight loss or gain problems or any chronic issues like allergies/ intolerances etc. God bless you Dr Naz … keep up the great work!
First of all thank you so much for accepting me for this Therapy Program
When I contacted you first, physically I was feeling very lethargic, tired, bloated and was falling sick often. I was feeling lost and I thought I was messing up with my health again after going through the whole cancer treatment.
When I first spoke to you itself I understood you are extremely committed to what you are doing and you are doing this with utmost sincerity and conviction. I felt I would get the push that I badly needed to start following a healthy lifestyle.
The Garlic and honey infusion is the best natural medicine I have ever had. It made my cough and feeling of unwell disappear within two days itself. Few days into the diet itself I started feeling light, positive and overall healthy. I now understand which food I should eat and what I should avoid. Since I don’t cook regularly, I now understand how bad outside food is and how I should start cooking on my own. I have started the same too.
Thanks to you I now know about Bone broth. I absolutely love it and I will definitely order more of it in future. Ever since I started your diet plan I did not have to take antibiotics. I was able to recover faster than last time, which means my immunity is getting better.
Thanks a lot for all the guidance and tips and spiritual goodness you sent my way. I shall always be grateful to you for showing me the right way to be healthy and making me believe that we can heal from within. You have given me the confidence to believe that I can do it if I take an effort.
Apart from all this I have lost 4kgs ? ?
I shall definitely take the freedom to contact you if ever I need a push or guidance in future, which I hope you wouldn’t mind.
Hi, I am interested in your program. How much will it cost me with the consultation and all
Hi Saima
Please contact helpdesk@mayasorganicworld.com
I did the therapy program at the start of this summer with Dr Naz, for my hypothyroidism, and surely it was a stepping stone to better health and healing Alhumdulilah.
The special meal and excercise plan and daily motivational talk helped immensely.
Would definitely recommend it to everyone who is having trouble pin pointing their triggers and also felling confused about their own abilities as humans.
Jazzakillahu khair Dr Naz ❤️
Back pain sleep disc